Excel VBA Interface

Excel VBA Interface

Menu Bar

The Menu Bar of the Excel VBA Interface contains the following menus:  
·         File Menu                      ·         Edit Men                       ·         View Menu            
·         Insert Menu                   ·         Format Menu                ·         Debug Menu 
·         Run Menu                     ·         Tools Menu                   ·         Add-Ins Menu              
·         Window Menu              ·         Help Menu

Project Explorer

Project Explorer allows users to view the object of each specific project in a tree view similar to the explorer view used by windows. Users can use the project explore to switch between multiple objects within one or multiple projects.  

The Project Explore has the following command Buttons: 
·         View Code       ·         View Object       ·         Toggle Folders

The project explorer can be set to organize Excel objects by their respective projects and folders or it can be set to just show all objects with all the active open workbooks.

Properties Window

The properties window displays all the attributes that can be changed for the specific object that is selected within the Project Explorer Window.    The properties window can be sorted alphabetically or by category.

Object Selector

The object selector allows user to select specific objects that are contained inside the object selected in the Project Explore Window. An example would be if sheet 1 had a command button, then you could add code to the command button or the worksheet itself.

Procedure Selector

The procedure selector allows users to select which specific procedure they want to select based on the object selected in the Object Selector.  For example if Worksheet was selected in the Object Selector procedures such as SelectionChange and Activate will be available to select within the procedure selector.

Help Search Box

The help search box allows users to search for specific key words or phrases related to visual basic to help them try and understand any problems that should come up. The help search box can be very useful if you want to learn if something is capable of being done in VBA.

Code Window

The code window is where you will write the code within visual basic and you will see any code that is already written. Writing code requires specific syntax and code arguments that will be explained later on. The code window used variables and procedures to define how to run the code.

Code View Types

There are two ways to view code in the Code Window.  Full Module View will show all the code written for a specific object selected from the Project Explorer Window.  Procedure View will only show the code for the specific procedure selected in the Procedure Selector.  This can be useful if you need to find a specific line of code and you don’t want to look through 100’s of lines of code.