Workbook Events

Workbook Activate Event

This event will run code whenever this specific workbook is activated.

Workbook AddinInstall Event

This event will run when the specific workbook is installed as Add-In in Excel.

Workbook AddinUninstall Event

This event will run when this workbook is uninstalled from Excel's Add-Ins. 

Workbook AfterSave Event

This event will run after the specific workbook is saved.

Workbook AfterXmlExport Event

This event will run after exporting XML map within an excel workbook.

Workbook AfterXmlImport Event

This event will run after importing a new or refreshing an already created XML map within this specific excel workbook.

Workbook BeforeClose Event

This event will run before a workbook closes.

Workbook BeforePrint Event

This event will run before a workbook prints.

Workbook BeforeSave Event

This event will run before a workbook saves.

Workbook BeforeXmlExport Event

This event will run before Excel saves or exports XML data from this specific workbook.

Workbook BeforeXmlImport Event

This event will run before Excel imports XML data into or refreshes XML data within this specific workbook.

Workbook Deactivate Event

This event will run every time a user selects a different workbook.

Workbook NewChart Event

This event will run every time a new chart is created in the specific workbook.

Workbook NewSheet Event

This event will run every time a new worksheet is created within the specific workbook.

Workbook Open Event

This event will run every time this specific workbook is opened.

Workbook PivotTableCloseConnection Event

This event will run every time a pivot table connection is closed within the specific workbook.

Workbook PivotTableOpenConnection Event

This event will run every time a pivot table connection is closed within the specific workbook.

Workbook SheetActivate Event

This event will run every time any worksheet within the specific workbook is activated. This event will occur after the Worksheet SheetActivate Event for the worksheet that is activated.

Workbook SheetBeforeDoubleClick Event

This event will run after a user double clicks within any of the worksheets in this specific workbook. This event will occur after the Worksheet SheetBeforeDoubleClick Event for the worksheet that is double clicked.

Workbook SheetBeforeRightClick Event

This event will run after a user right clicks within any of the worksheets in this specific workbook. This event will occur after the Worksheet SheetBeforeRightClick Event for the worksheet that is right clicked.

Workbook SheetCalculate Event

This event will run after any of the worksheets within this specific workbook have to be calculated.  This event occurs after the Worksheet SheetCalculate Event for that specific worksheet that was calculated.

Workbook SheetChange Event

This event will run after a user edits a cell or cells within any worksheet within this workbook.  This event will occur after the Worksheet SheetChange Event for the specific worksheet that is being changed.

Workbook SheetDeactivate Event

This event will run after any of the worksheets within this specific workbook become deactivated. This event will occur after the Worksheet SheetDeactivate Event for the specific worksheet that is being deactivated.

Workbook SheetFollowHyperlink Event

This event will run code when a user selects a link to follow within any worksheet within this specific workbook. This event will occur after the Worksheet SheetFollowHyperlink Event for the specific worksheet that contains the hyperlink being followed.

Workbook SheetPivotTableUpdate Event

Workbook SheetSelectionChange Event

This event will run code when a user selects a new range within any worksheet in this specific workbook.  This event will occur after the Worksheet SheetSelectionChange Event for the worksheet that contains the newly selected range.

Workbook WindowActivate Event

This event will run any time this specific workbook window is activated.

Workbook WindowDeactivate Event

This event will run any time this specific workbook window is deactivated.

Workbook WindowResize Event

This event will run any time this specific workbook window is resized.