Application FeatureInstall Property
Returns or sets a value (constant) that specifies how Microsoft Excel handles calls to methods and properties that require features that aren’t yet installed. Can be one of the MsoFeatureInstall constants listed in the following table. Read/write MsoFeatureInstall.
Application FileConverters Property
Returns information about installed file converters. Returns null if there are no converters installed. Read-only Variant.
Application FileDialog Property
Returns a FileDialog object representing an instance of the file dialog.
Application FileExportConverters Property
Returns a FileExportConverters collection that represents all the file converters for saving files available to Microsoft Excel. Read-only.
Application FileValidation Property
Returns or sets how Excel will validate files before opening them. Read/write
Application FileValidationPivot Property
Returns or sets how Excel will validate the contents of the data caches for PivotTable reports. Read/write
Application FindFormat Property
Sets or returns the search criteria for the type of cell formats to find.
Application FixedDecimal Property
All data entered after this property is set to True will be formatted with the number of fixed decimal places set by the FixedDecimalPlaces property. Read/write Boolean.
Application FixedDecimalPlaces Property
Returns or sets the number of fixed decimal places used when the FixedDecimal property is set to True. Read/write Long.
Application FlashFill Property
TRUE indicates that the Excel Flash Fill feature has been enabled and active. Boolean Read/Write
Application FlashFillMode Property
True if the Flash Fill feature is enabled. Boolean Read/Write
Application FormulaBarHeight Property
Allows the user to specify the height of the formula bar in lines. Read/write Long.