Application MailSession Property
Returns the MAPI mail session number as a hexadecimal string (if there's an active session), or returns null if there's no session. Read-only Variant.
Application MailSystem Property
Returns the mail system that's installed on the host machine. Read-only XlMailSystem.
Application MapPaperSize Property
True if documents formatted for the standard paper size of another country/region (for example, A4) are automatically adjusted so that they're printed correctly on the standard paper size (for example, Letter) of your country/region. Read/write Boolean.
Application MathCoprocessorAvailable Property
True if a math coprocessor is available. Read-only Boolean.
Application MaxChange Property
Returns or sets the maximum amount of change between each iteration as Microsoft Excel resolves circular references. Read/write Double.
Application MaxIterations Property
Returns or sets the maximum number of iterations that Microsoft Excel can use to resolve a circular reference. Read/write Long.
Application MeasurementUnit Property
Specifies the measurement unit used in the application. Read/write xlMeasurementUnit.
Application MouseAvailable Property
True if a mouse is available. Read-only Boolean.
Application MoveAfterReturn Property
True if the active cell will be moved as soon as the ENTER (RETURN) key is pressed. Read/write Boolean.
Application MoveAfterReturnDirection Property
Returns or sets the direction in which the active cell is moved when the user presses ENTER. Read/write XlDirection.
Application MultiThreadedCalculation Property
Returns a MultiThreadedCalculation object that controls the multi-threaded recalculation settings. Read-only.