Application CalculateBeforeSave Property
True if workbooks are calculated before they're saved to disk (if the Calculation property is set to xlManual). This property is preserved even if you change the Calculation property. Read/write Boolean.
Application Calculation Property
Returns or sets a XlCalculation value that represents the calculation mode.
Application CalculationInterruptKey Property
Sets or returns an XlCalculationInterruptKey constant that specifies the key that can interrupt Microsoft Excel when performing calculations. Read/write.
Application CalculationState Property
Returns an XlCalculationState constant that indicates the calculation state of the application, for any calculations that are being performed in Microsoft Excel. Read-only.
Application CalculationVersion Property
Returns a number whose rightmost four digits are the minor calculation engine version number, and whose other digits (on the left) are the major version of Microsoft Excel. Read-only Long.
Application Caller Property
Returns information about how Visual Basic was called (for more information, see the Remarks section).
Application CanPlaySounds Property
This property should not be used. Sound notes have been removed from Microsoft Excel.
Application CanRecordSounds Property
This property should not be used. Sound notes have been removed from Microsoft Excel.
Application Caption Property
Returns or sets a String value that represents the name that appears in the title bar of the main Microsoft Excel window.
Application CellDragAndDrop Property
True if dragging and dropping cells is enabled. Read/write Boolean.
Application Cells Property
Returns a Range object that represents all the cells on the active worksheet. If the active document is not a worksheet, this property fails.
Application ChartDataPointTrack Property
True will cause all charts in newly created documents to use the cell reference tracking behavior.Boolean
Application Charts Property
Returns a Sheets collection that represents all the chart sheets in the active workbook.
Application ClipboardFormats Property
Returns the formats that are currently on the Clipboard, as an array of numeric values. To determine whether a particular format is on the Clipboard, compare each element in the array with the appropriate constant listed in the Remarks section. Read-only Variant.
Application ClusterConnector Property
Returns or sets the name of the High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster Connector that is used to run user-defined functions in XLL add-ins. Read/write
Application Columns Property
Returns a Range object that represents all the columns on the active worksheet. If the active document isn't a worksheet, the Columns property fails.
Application COMAddIns Property
Returns the COMAddIns collection for Microsoft Excel, which represents the currently installed COM add-ins. Read-only.
Application CommandBars Property
Returns a CommandBars object that represents the Microsoft Excel command bars. Read-only.
Application CommandUnderlines Property
Returns or sets the state of the command underlines in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh. Can be one of the constants of XlCommandUnderlines. Read/write Long.
Application ConstrainNumeric Property
True if handwriting recognition is limited to numbers and punctuation only. Read/write Boolean.
Application ControlCharacters Property
True if Microsoft Excel displays control characters for right-to-left languages. Read/write Boolean.
Application CopyObjectsWithCells Property
True if objects are cut, copied, extracted, and sorted with cells. Read/write Boolean.
Application Creator Property
Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which this object was created. Read-only Long.
Application Cursor Property
Returns or sets the appearance of the mouse pointer in Microsoft Excel. Read/write XlMousePointer.
Application CursorMovement Property
Returns or sets a value that indicates whether a visual cursor or a logical cursor is used. Can be one of the following constants: xlVisualCursor or xlLogicalCursor. Read/write Long.
Application CustomListCount Property
Returns the number of defined custom lists (including built-in lists). Read-only Long.
Application CutCopyMode Property
Returns or sets the status of Cut or Copy mode. Can be True, False, or an XLCutCopyMode constant, as shown in the following tables. Read/write Long.