Application DataEntryMode Property
Returns or sets Data Entry mode, as shown in the following table. When in Data Entry mode, you can enter data only in the unlocked cells in the currently selected range. Read/write Long.
Application DDEAppReturnCode Property
Returns the application-specific DDE return code that was contained in the last DDE acknowledge message received by Microsoft Excel. Read-only Long.
Application DecimalSeparator Property
Sets or returns the character used for the decimal separator as a String. Read/write.
Application DefaultFilePath Property
Returns or sets the default path that Microsoft Excel uses when it opens files. Read/write String.
Application DefaultSaveFormat Property
Returns or sets the default format for saving files. For a list of valid constants, see the FileFormat property. Read/write Long.
Application DefaultSheetDirection Property
Returns or sets the default direction in which Microsoft Excel displays new windows and worksheets. Can be one of the following constants: xlRTL (right to left) or xlLTR (left to right). Read/write Long.
Application DefaultWebOptions Property
Returns the DefaultWebOptions object that contains global application-level attributes used by Microsoft Excel whenever you save a document as a Web page or open a Web page. Read-only.
Application DeferAsyncQueries Property
Gets or sets whether asychronous queries to OLAP data sources are executed when a worksheet is calculated by VBA code. Read/write Boolean.
Application Dialogs Property
Returns a Dialogs collection that represents all built-in dialog boxes. Read-only.
Application DisplayAlerts Property
True if Microsoft Excel displays certain alerts and messages while a macro is running. Read/write Boolean.
Application DisplayClipboardWindow Property
Returns True if the Microsoft Office Clipboard can be displayed. Read/write Boolean.
Application DisplayCommentIndicator Property
Returns or sets the way cells display comments and indicators. Can be one of the XlCommentDisplayMode constants.
Application DisplayDocumentActionTaskPane Property
Set to True to display the Document Actions task pane; set to False to hide the Document Actions task pane. Read/write Boolean.
Application DisplayDocumentInformationPanel Property
Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether the document properties panel is displayed. Read/write Boolean.
Application DisplayExcel4Menus Property
True if Microsoft Excel displays version 4.0 menu bars. Read/write Boolean.
Application DisplayFormulaAutoComplete Property
Gets or sets whether to show a list of relevant functions and defined names when building cell formulas. Read/write Boolean.
Application DisplayFormulaBar Property
True if the formula bar is displayed. Read/write Boolean.
Application DisplayFullScreen Property
True if Microsoft Excel is in full-screen mode. Read/write Boolean.
Application DisplayFunctionToolTips Property
True if function ToolTips can be displayed. Read/write Boolean.
Application DisplayInsertOptions Property
True if the Insert Options button should be displayed. Read/write Boolean.
Application DisplayNoteIndicator Property
True if cells containing notes display cell tips and contain note indicators (small dots in their upper-right corners). Read/write Boolean.
Application DisplayPasteOptions Property
True if the Paste Options button can be displayed. Read/write Boolean.
Application DisplayRecentFiles Property
True if the list of recently used files is displayed in the UI. Read/write Boolean.
Application DisplayScrollBars Property
True if scroll bars are visible for all workbooks. Read/write Boolean.
Application DisplayStatusBar Property
True if the status bar is displayed. Read/write Boolean.